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The Amyloidosis Channel

Explore the latest updates, including expert interviews, features, podcasts and e-learning

The Amyloidosis Channel on VJHemOnc is supported by Prothena and Johnson & Johnson. The supporters have no influence over the production of the content.

Welcome to The Amyloidosis Channel

Reporting from key international congresses and speaking with world-leading experts, VJHemOnc brings you the latest exciting advances in amyloidosis research, diagnosis and care. The Amyloidosis Channel delivers regular video interviews, roundtable discussions, podcasts and feature articles, so that you can keep up-to-date with all the practice-changing developments in amyloidosis.

Explore The Amyloidosis Channel to learn about the latest clinical trial updates, novel therapeutics and regimens, diagnostic advances and optimal management across all amyloidosis subtypes, including amyloid light chain (AL), amyloid A (AA), and transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis.


ISA 2024
ASH 2023
SOHO 2023
EHA 2023
COMy 2023
ASH 2022


Disease Biology
Trial Updates
CAR-T therapy